YouTube Promotion

Your organization produces a stellar video and uploads it YouTube. The months go by but the number of views barely go up. Sound familiar?

Ranking well on YouTube Search (the second largest search engine after Google) is critical to getting your video discovered. We’ll work with you during pre-production to ensure you send the right signals to YouTube’s search algorithm and include features that encourage folks to watch your videos.

Some of the areas we focus on include:

  • Identifying high-volume search terms you will rank well for and including them in your video titles, tags and description.
  • Creating compelling thumbnails that entice people to click.
  • Inserting an introductory “hook” at the beginning of your video to entice people to continue watching.
  • Encouraging people to subscribe to you channel and watch your other videos through end screens and playlists.
  • Analyzing YouTube’s analytics to recommend improvements.

With a little advanced planning you’ll soon be seeing big time results.